Monday 9 June 2014

Physics Reflection Final

Now that our roller coaster is all done I have learned about what true team work is. Through all of our frustration, happiness, and annoyance my team and I have cooperated really well with eachother throughout building (and disigning and decorating) our project. I have learned many key components about physics (especially Newton's laws) that have really helped the construction of our project. We had to use a specific marble due to Newtons 2nd law because the marbles mass was a big aspect as to weather it would work or not. Inertia was a burden for us through the rollercoaster half of building, but we later used it to our advantage of it at the edge of the table. If there was one thing I could change about our project, it would be the surface that the dominoes were on because the shoebox we used was slanted and was hard to balance on. Overall I feel very proud of what we have accomplished and cannot be any happier with our result!


Saturday 31 May 2014

Physics Project Reflection #3

Today I feel like our group has improved a lot from the last time that we have built becaue this time we have added our Rude Gholdberg half of the project and it has worked consistently. At one point in our rollercoaster, we needed the marble to end up in the tower that would make it fall into the cup and so we cut off the end of the tube and let the marble continue it's path and because of inertia, the marble continued untill it hit the inside of the tower that was waiting for it on the other end. We had trouble not only with the height of the hill that sometimes the marble didn't make it over, but also getting the cup to fall with enough weight that would also keep it balanced. We managed to work those out and we are now moving on to adding the dominoes at the end.


Saturday 24 May 2014

Roller Coaster Day 5 Relfection

Today we struggled with getting the tubing to curve down the boxes evenly, so we took down our second loop (we started off with two loops) to make sure it had enough speed to go down even though we still have no luck with so. The frustrating thing is that each day our roller coaster is different. Either it has been moved, or the tape stops working. We learned how to feel for the marble, we basically put our fingure through the track and learned that the reason why the marble keeps on going off is because the edge the box made a bump on the track that made the marble fling off. Above is a picture of our progress so far.