Monday 9 June 2014

Physics Reflection Final

Now that our roller coaster is all done I have learned about what true team work is. Through all of our frustration, happiness, and annoyance my team and I have cooperated really well with eachother throughout building (and disigning and decorating) our project. I have learned many key components about physics (especially Newton's laws) that have really helped the construction of our project. We had to use a specific marble due to Newtons 2nd law because the marbles mass was a big aspect as to weather it would work or not. Inertia was a burden for us through the rollercoaster half of building, but we later used it to our advantage of it at the edge of the table. If there was one thing I could change about our project, it would be the surface that the dominoes were on because the shoebox we used was slanted and was hard to balance on. Overall I feel very proud of what we have accomplished and cannot be any happier with our result!


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